CSR Europe

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Ideas, Initiatives and Best Practices to Make Your Company a Leader in Upskilling

On 15th September, representatives from leading companies are gathering for the unique webinar “Delivering Quality Training for the Workforce of the Future to share ideas on trainings and upskilling practices that are revolutionizing the future of work, providing employees with tailor-made courses and encouraging their ambitions and interests.

According to Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, in 2020, the adult participation in learning in the EU was 9.2 % - 1.6 points lower compared to 2019 and well below the threshold of 15 % set in the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020). This alarming data suggests the urge for companies to be proactive and forecast the future skills that employees will need. However, the challenge is how to engage employees in finding creative solutions and adapt training programs to people’s needs and interests.

At the open webinarDelivering Quality Training for the Workforce of the Future”, CSR Europe will facilitate the dialogue between company representatives around life-long learning strategies and encourage HR managers to take more creative, innovative initiatives on upskilling, also in the context of the current pandemic scenario. Alberto Gonzalez, BBVA Learning Discipline Manager, will present the latest global reskilling plan launched by the Spanish bank: ‘The Camp’, the new reskilling and upskilling proposal for BBVA employees that reinforces, updates or deepens their knowledge in pivotal skills with gamification tools. 

“The aim of this experience is to encourage employees to acquire new technical skills through a  three-level platform represented by a mountain, where the user has to pass exams and maintain new skills in order to reach the summit”, said Gonzalez.

The first results of this reskilling plan, launched in April 2021, will be disclosed during the webinar and participants will have the opportunity to learn best practices around innovative training programmes, gamification, and continuous learning.

The webinar aims at:

  •  Shedding light on trainings and upskilling activities that companies should implement when it comes to staff & skills retention.

  • Creating a community of best practices trainings development and discuss challenges, ideas, and new training formats that proved to be effective.

  • Discussing the benefit of gamification and the value of soft skills.


For more information:

Chloé Ramon,

People Manager


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