Impronta Etica: A Handbook for a Strategic Approach to the 2030 Agenda

2030 Agenda

Impronta Etica has published the handbook “Companies and 2030 Agenda: Tools and Good Practices for a Strategic Approach”. The document is thought for companies of all sizes and operating in all sectors that are interested in learning to take a strategic approach to the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

After taking an in-depth look at the global context and the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis on the realisation of the 2030 Agenda, the document collects and analyses good practices adopted by member and non-member companies that are committed to pursuing one or more Sustainable Development Goals.

The handbook stems from Impronta Etica’s Working Group “SDGs for Companies: Innovation Opportunities and Impacts on Business” which first published a document on the results of the processes undertaken by members.

Later, in 2020, Impronta Etica further developed the document, integrating the best practices that emerged from a survey conducted with around 50 companies.

For more information:

Read the Handbook.