CSR Europe

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New Leaders’ Group to Build Sustainable Raw Materials Value Chains

  • A front-running group of CSR Europe’s corporate members will explore how to build together sustainable raw materials supply chains and create value at the local level, supporting people and communities in producing countries.

  • Outcomes will be presented to EU leaders at the high-level plenary of the European SDG Summit 2022.

Sustainable and responsible supply chains are essential to the well-functioning of our societies. As Europe is accelerating the transition to carbon neutrality by 2050, businesses have a key role to play to ensure that the value chains connecting Europe with the rest of the world will contribute not only to Europe’s growth but also to the sustainable development of other regions, improving people’s living conditions and creating decent jobs.

Since individual companies cannot drive change alone, CSR Europe is bringing together front-running member companies in the Leaders’ Group on “Sustainable Raw Materials Value Chains”. The Group aims at contributing to the sustainable transformation of European and global raw materials value chains while driving growth in all the countries where raw materials are sourced. Together, they will shift from an individual compliance viewpoint to a collaborative approach to overcome challenges like the lack of infrastructures, failing governance and business ethics issues, skills scarcity, and difficulties in access to finance in producing countries.

The Leaders Group will focus their efforts on 3 focus areas:

  • Strategies for sustainable supply chains

  • Collaborations for supply chain sustainability

  • Financing change

Companies will engage with experts, representatives of the European Commission, NGOs, and relevant stakeholders and leverage the collective knowledge of the Group to build impact-oriented raw materials value chains.

The outcomes of this engagement will be included in a Reflection Paper that will be presented to the European leaders at the high-level plenary of the European SDG Summit 2022, taking place on 10-12 October.


For more information:

Sara Sanchez Palacios,

Project Manager

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