New Service Available for Companies to Meet the EU Expectations on Sustainability

  • With the EU Alignment Service CSR Europe is now supporting companies in meeting the new requirements on corporate transparency and reporting.

  • Bridgestone EMIA was amongst the first companies to benefit from the service.

  • Members can benefit from a 30% discount.


New challenging requirements have been introduced for companies in an effort to accelerate Europe’s transition to climate-neutrality by 2050. Under the European Green Deal, measures like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU Taxonomy, the Country-by-country Reporting Directive, and the Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence, are changing the landscape in which European companies operate. Furthermore, the entry into force of European Sustainability Reporting Standards in the coming years, both for large and small and medium companies, will contribute to heightening investors’ attention towards companies’ Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosure.

To support companies in complying with the requirements set by policymakers and meet the expectations of stakeholders, CSR Europe has developed the EU Alignment Service. The service aims to fill existing gaps in companies’ current strategies and anticipate the adaptation process.

Lorena Sorrentino, Manager of the Markets team and coordinator of the service, said:

CSR Europe’s EU Alignment Service is highly customisable and, as such, it is tailored each time to the sustainability journey of the company that is requesting it. Our aim is to analyse the expectations set by European legislators vis-á-vis the performance of the company, highlighting gaps and the steps needed to overcome them”.  

CSR Europe members can benefit from a 30% discount. Amongst the first companies to benefit from the service there is Bridgestone EMIA, leader in Mobility Solutions.

We chose CSR Europe to support us due to its longstanding engagement with the EU institutions and deep knowledge of EU policies related to sustainability and its impact on companies”

Piero Luigi Fratini, Sustainable Finance Lead, Bridgestone EMIA

CSR Europe supported the company in defining the scope of each legislation developed in the framework of the European Green Deal to easily navigate the multitude of new binding requirements.

“This service is assisting our company in defining the scope and raising awareness on the importance of each of the legislations in the framework of the European Green Deal. Moreover, it is helping us understand where we stand in relation to the requirements and how to build capacity for efficient and effective compliance in order to use reporting as a means towards integrated sustainability performance”, said Fratini.

In the process, CSR Europe identified the areas of improvement and what is needed to manage expectations from EU policymakers.


For more information:

Lorena Sorrentino,

Markets Manager