Orse Publishes White Paper on Forest Preservation


The Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (Orse) has recently published a white paper on forests entitled “L’Arbre qui Cache la Forêt” (in French).

This publication is aimed at CSR professionals but also at the general public. Designed as a tool, this guide reviews the major issues related to forests, explains key concepts and shares best practices in terms of forest preservation from companies in various industries.

Deforestation, reforestation, offsetting, certifications, carbon credits – all these terms are widely used and sometimes confusing: this white paper will help navigate them. From the very definition of the term forest, to the fundings allocated to it, or the role of the timber industry, everything is addressed with pedagogy as a guideline.

Some key figures:

  • 75% of the French forest is privately owned and it covers 31% of the metropolitan territory.

  • The French timber industry provides 185,000 jobs, i.e. 7% of national employment.

  • When we spend one day in the forest, the human body produces 30% more immune cells than in the city.

  • 95% of deforestation occurs in tropical areas.

  • The boreal forest is the terrestrial ecosystem that stores the most carbon, accounting for 26% of total carbon storage.


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