CSR Europe

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Our Service Offer to Take the Lead in Sustainability Reporting

In the last year, investors and policymakers have raised the bar of corporate non-financial disclosure. Some of the new requirements, introduced for instance by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, will become law already this year and many more will be introduced with upcoming set of European Sustainability Reporting Standards for large companies and SMEs, the due diligence legislation planned for February, and the Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative.

This year CSR Europe offers a complete array of services aimed at getting companies ready to comply with this avalanche of upcoming EU regulations. The newly updated and expanded service offers include:

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1. Sustainability Report Review

CSR Europe’s Sustainability Report Review gives your company a better understanding of its sustainability performance and reporting practices, as well as, preparing it for the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Under our guide, your company will be able to better monitor its sustainability performance, manage potential risks, and set forth concrete improvement plans. The methodology used to assess your company’s sustainability disclosure are following international reporting standards, such as GRI and IIRC and will take into account future developments in relation to the European Reporting Standards, currently under preparation by EFRAG.

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2. EU Alignment

This new entry in CSR Europe’s portfolio of tailored services aims to support companies in navigating the multitude of new binding regulations set forth by the European Commission in the framework of the Green Deal.  EU Alignment evaluates the performance and awareness of your company vis-á-vis all the  sustainability reporting requirements currently in force at the European and global level. The service can be customised according to the need of your company to target specific EU regulations or upcoming proposals for a European Regulation more deeply, like for instance the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Country-by-country Reporting Directive, and the EU Taxonomy.     

As a result, you will have a clear overview of the current gaps in your company’s strategy and will be able to kick-start the adoption of countermeasures to comply with the upcoming requirements.

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3. Materiality Assessment

This service helps you identifying and assessing potential Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues that impact your business and stakeholders. As a result, your company will be able to define ESG opportunities, mitigate business risks, improve stakeholder engagement, and ensure the integration of sustainability into your business strategy.

With the Materiality Assessment service CSR Europe will guide you through an in-depth and inclusive materiality process engaging your stakeholders face-to-face. At the end of this journey, you will have identified ESG trends that could significantly impact your company’s ability to create value in the long term. In doing so, you will be able to prioritize resources and focus time, money, and energy on what matters the most to you.

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4. Responsible and Transparent Tax Behaviour

Tax has become an unavoidable sustainability topic for companies. Only last December, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) imposed for all Multinational Enterprises a global minimum corporate tax of 15% from 2023. Soon after the European Commission followed suit and proposed also to end the misuse of shell entities for tax purposes within the EU

With the service Responsible and Transparent Tax Behaviour CSR Europe assesses the maturity level of your company’s tax strategy and helps you to ensure brand reputation, manage risks, and rebuild trust with your stakeholders.

We will help you identifying gaps and areas of improvement in six thematic areas: 1) tax planning strategies; 2) tax function management and governance; 3) public transparency and reporting; 4) tax incentives; 5) interaction with tax authorities; 6) building a narrative to accompany a tax strategy.


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