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RBF Poland Launches the Fourth Edition of the Diversity IN Check Survey

Responsible Business Forum (RBF) Poland sets up the fourth edition of Diversity IN Check (DINC) - a tool supporting Polish employers in their strategic approach to DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) with a broader scope than ever before.

The Diversity IN Check is a survey that helps find out how companies and organizations manage DEI. Employers who prioritize diversity management are better able to meet the challenges of the modern world by harnessing the potential of diversity to enhance innovation, contribute to their financial performance, and strengthen social cohesion at once. The project is organised by Responsible Business Forum Poland, coordinator of the Polish Diversity Charter and CSR Europe’s National Partner Organisation.

For the fourth time, RBF Poland provides a unique and improved tool to verify diversity and inclusion best practices within companies, institutions, and organisations.  In order to adapt this tool to the current challenges and trends in the DEI field, the survey is still being improved.

Most importantly, micro-enterprises (2-9 employees) can now take part in the survey, and „Product and Service” are now included in the analysis alongside the previous areas of „Management Principles”, „Programmes and Initiatives”, „Employee Engagement” and „Results Indicators”.

All organisations - companies, institutions, NGOs that carry out DEI activities can verify their best practices. Small, medium, and large-size organisations and companies are welcome to participate. RBF Poland wants to give all employers the opportunity to diagnose the current state of diversity management in their organisation.

The survey questionnaire is based on recognised international standards and guidelines, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, ISO 26000 and ISO 30415, GRI standards, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Potential participants may fill in the survey available here until 10 March 2024.

The results of the fourth edition of the survey will be announced during the EU Diversity Month.

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