CSR Europe

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Take Action for the EU Diversity Month

  • Whether it is signing the Diversity Charter of your country or joining the new business-led collaborative platform on ethnic diversity and inclusion, take a stand today to build a more inclusive society.

The month of May has been defined European Diversity Month across the EU, as part of the diversity and inclusion agenda of the European Commission. Companies and organisations in Europe are invited to come together to shine a spotlight on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and in society.

Irena Moozova, Director for Equality & Union Citizenship at the European Commission’s DG-JUST shared a message for the CSR Europe members and organisations involved in our network to build a more inclusive society together.

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  1. Sign the Diversity Charter of your country

    By signing the Diversity Charter companies commit to create and maintain an inclusive work environment for their employees, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, age, disability and sexual orientation.

  2. Join the business-led European Collaborative Platform on Ethnic Diversity & Inclusion

    Building upon the learnings of the Belgian pilot project Business Uniting Talents (BUT) 2030, CSR Europe is developing a European collaborative platform to promote cultural inclusion and diversity in the workplace. Register to the launch event on 10th May and discover the set-up of the platform; our 2-year plan to lead on ethnic diversity & inclusion; how you can engage.

  3. Take a stand and promote diversity and inclusion

    Organise events and activities to promote your company’s diversity and inclusion policies to staff or externally on social media.



On 27th April, the Commission released the Legal migration skills and talents package, aimed at fighting discrimination of non-EU nationals and push for more equal societies. Through this package, the Commission proposes to:

  • Revise the Single Permit Directive - a simplified application procedure and one single permit for both the right to work and stay in the EU - and the Long-Term Residents Directive- to grant long-term resident status and associated rights to third-country nationals.

  • Step-up operational cooperation at EU level between Member States as well as with partner countries.

  • Agree on the first Talent Partnerships by the end of 2022.

  • Establish the first EU-wide platform and matching tool, an EU Talent Pool, to make the EU more attractive for non-EU nationals looking for opportunities.

  • Address the urgent need to facilitate access to the labour market for new arrivals from Ukraine, through a pilot initiative by summer 2022.

  • Explore further potential avenues for legal migration to the EU in the medium to longer term.

At the kick-off event of the Diversity Month 2022, on 29th April, Helena Dalli, the EU Commissioner for Equality, also remarked how human resources should rank diversity management as priority in their workplan.


For more information:

Giorgia Miccoli

Project Manager


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