The Sustainable Business Handbook is Out Now


The new book co-authored by David Grayson (Cranfield School of Management), Chris Coulter (Globescan), and Mark Lee (SustainAbility Institute by ERM) offers a practical guide for companies interested in becoming more innovative, resilient, and successful in a world where climate change affects supply chains and customer expectations.


The case for business sustainability has already been made and organizations can no longer ignore the issue when climate change affects supply chains and customer expectations require them to take action. It has also been proven that businesses operating sustainably drive innovation, build brand value, and are more profitable. It is time to shift the conversation from the ‘why’ of business sustainability to the ‘how’.

The Sustainable Business Handbook is a practical 'how-to' guide that aims to demystify the jargon and provide practical tools and tips for busy managers. Rather than preaching the importance of sustainability, it cuts straight to how businesses can become more resilient and successful in the long term by becoming more sustainable.

A growing number of businesses around the world are taking sustainability seriously and making great progress, but many do not know where to begin, and some who have begun the journey do not have the skills and resources required to advance.

With guidance on defining organizational purpose, engaging stakeholders, and creating the right culture, The Sustainable Business Handbook outlines how to shift corporate sustainability from being a bolt-on to business operations to being a source of innovation and new value creation, as well as for societal good.

About the authors:

  • David Grayson is Emeritus Professor of Corporate Responsibility at Cranfield School of Management, based in London, UK.

  • Chris Coulter is CEO of GlobeScan, an insights and strategy firm that helps organizations build the trust they need to create value for themselves and society and is based in Toronto, Canada.

  • Mark Lee is the Director of the SustainAbility Institute by ERM and an ERM Partner. Mark sits on the Advisory Board of Sustainable Brands and the Senior Advisory Board of the Centre for Responsible Business at the Haas Business School at UC Berkeley. He is based in California.

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