CSR Europe

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Tools for Corporate Climate Action in the Supply Chain

  • In 2022 CSR Europe is back with an enriched programme, spanning from a new Atelier series on carbon-neutral supply chains to a new Think Tank on the circularity of composite materials and a members-only Leaders Group to address the challenge posed by raw materials sustainability in the value chain.

Supply chain sustainability and environmental and human rights due diligence are high on the agenda of policymakers and investors. As companies step up their efforts and commit to net-zero targets, Purchasing and Sustainability Managers have to find new ways to meet the expectations of stakeholders. What standard to follow? What tools to use? How to engage with suppliers to bring them under scope-3? How to make sure that all these efforts are having a positive impact across the whole value chain?

Our 2022 Materials programme provides CSR Europe members with all the support they need to tackle the EU climate agenda and deliver a sustainable transformation of their value chain together with suppliers and other partners involved.

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2022 Materials Programme  

  • Atelier series “Enabling Carbon-Neutral and Circular Supply Chains”

Over the course of three session, we will share with our corporate members a series of best practices and tools to effectively engage with suppliers along the value chain for climate action and the creation of an inclusive economy. As a result, you will be able to develop improvement plans tailored to your company’s needs.

Register now and secure your spot for:

Corporate members interested in the topic are invited to register for all three events as each session builds upon previous exchanges.  

  •  CSR Europe open webinar series

This year CSR Europe will offer two open webinars to leverage the collective knowledge of the Network:

The Think Tank will bring together the aerospace, defense, automotive, chemical, and ICT industries to rethink the entire value chain of composite materials and foster their circularity. High-tech composite materials are used in many industries due to their desirable properties – e.g enabling emission reduction through light-weighting - but they are inherently difficult to reuse and recycle and are often landfilled at the end of life. Findings will be shared with the wider audience at the European SDG Summit 2022, where the Think Tank will launch a practical Blueprint.

  •  Leadership and engagement with Collaborative Platforms

Central to our programme on sustainable raw materials and value chains are collaborative platforms like Drive Sustainability, Drive Plus, and Responsible Trucking. In the decade of action, companies’ engagement with the entire ecosystem and value chain  is paramount to accelerate a green and just transition on the ground. Companies interested in building a collaborative platform can reach out to CSR Europe to receive more information.

  • New Leaders Group on Raw Materials Sustainability in the Value Chain

Frontrunning companies on supply chain due diligence who are members of CSR Europe will be invited to join the new dedicated Leaders Group to tackle together the critical sustainability challenge posed by raw materials in the value chains. Members involved will also shape the content of one of the three high-level plenaries of the European SDG Summit 2022.


For more information:

Contact Stefan Crets,

Executive Director

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