Toward a Sustainable Europe 2030 - Insights from CSR Europe's Annual Public Affairs Meeting

  • On February 27th, CSR Europe held its Annual CSO and Governmental Affairs Meeting, taking place in a significant moment for sustainability and corporate social responsibility within the EU.

  • The event served as a reflective platform on the achievements of the European Green Deal over the past 5 years, setting the stage for discussions on how the EU can effectively collaborate with the business sector to foster a sustainability transformation and a just transition for the next phase.


On February 27th, CSR Europe held its Annual CSO and Governmental Affairs Meeting, taking place in a significant moment for sustainability and corporate social responsibility within the EU.

Set against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, global conflicts, and the urgent need for a transition to a green and digital economy, the event addressed the pressing challenges of the EU's sustainability agenda, including just transition, raw materials, the cost-of-living crisis, climate change, and the capacity building to comply with sustainability legislations.

As the 2024 European elections loom, introducing new priorities for the 2024-2029 period, the meeting underscored the opportunity for policymakers to consider companies as strategic allies in delivering a Just Industrial Transition for a Sustainable Europe 2030. CSR Europe has been at the forefront, collaborating with proactive members, the European Commission, and experts to synergize individual and collective efforts towards this goal.

A highlight of the meeting was the presentation of CSR Europe’s policy recommendations for European policymakers. These positions are set to be presented to the outgoing European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen, members of the European Parliament, and the Belgian and Hungarian EU Presidencies, shaping the future direction of the EU’s sustainability efforts.

The event, gathering CSR Europe’s corporate members and National Partner Organisations, served as a reflective platform on the achievements and shortcomings of the European Green Deal over the past five years, setting the stage for discussions on how the EU can effectively collaborate with the business sector to foster a sustainability transformation and a just transition for the next phase. Participants, including CSR Europe members, civil society, and government representatives, engaged in exchanging ideas and gaining insights into CSR Europe’s draft policy positions.

Opened by the CSR Europe’s members of the Board of Directors Maria Alexiou (Chair of the Board, CSR Hellas), Monica Perez Lobo (Vice President Corporate Affairs & Sustainability, Toyota Motor Europe) and Wouter Vermeulen (Senior Director of Sustainability and Public Policy, Coca-Cola Europe), the event saw also the participation as speakers of: Alexandra Kuxová (Policy Officer, DG GROW, European Commission), Eva Funcken (Policy Officer, DG ENV, European Commission), Sophie Pornschlegel (Director of Studies and development, Europe Jacques Delors) and Luke O’Callaghan-White (Programme Manager Climate, Energy & Sustainability, Friends of Europe).


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