Transforming Business Models, From Responsible Supply Chains to Circular Value Chains

There is a global tendency to more and more strict due diligence legislation. CSR Europe works with companies and across sectors on the implementation of due diligence frameworks in the supply chain. At the same time, it has never been more obvious that due diligence alone will not be enough. Engagement and collaboration across value chains and moving beyond due diligence is needed if companies want to have an impact on the social and environmental challenges the world is facing. There are several new business opportunities in rethinking the entire value chain, moving from a linear to a circular approach. Check the Calendar of Events 2020 to discover the many opportunities offered to engage in this field.


In 2020, CSR Europe will invite its members to share best practices and learn how to go beyond due diligence. At our webinars and workshops, companies will discover the importance of collaboration to achieve impact. We will inform our members about upcoming due diligence legislation, and we will offer an individual assessment of their management of complaints via grievance mechanisms.

But the focus will not only be on the supply chain. We will also provide members with up-to-date knowledge and tools regarding circular business models. How can you start building circular business models for production and end-of live products? How do you engage your customers in these new circular models?

We will also continue our work for Drive Sustainability, the initiative of the automotive sector on sustainable supply chains, and Responsible Trucking, the initiative of shippers and carriers to improve the social standards for truck drivers in Europe.


2020 is an important year for biodiversity. CSR Europe will launch a collaborative platform on Biodiversity and Industry, aimed at measuring the biodiversity impact across the value chain, and at developing a methodology based on joint pilot projects in the value chains of member companies.


As Africa is also part of the future of Europe, CSR Europe will also launch a collaborative platform on Upgraded and Sustainable Value Chains in Europe and Africa. How can companies create added value in their value chain with African countries? The platform will be centered on the creation of synergies between local training programs, with a focus on digital and entrepreneurial skills. At the same time, partners will join forces to promote local sustainable business development and to develop a methodology on how to add value locally.


We will continue our facilitation of the multistakeholder platform “Tyre and Roadware Particles (TRWP)”,  and we will look for other opportunities for increased collaboration between companies, like for instance on plastics.

With these initiatives and platforms, we trust that we can bring significant added value to our members, to all the companies interested in joining forces with other stakeholders in our collaborative platforms. Together we can gradually transform responsible supply chains into circular value chains.

For more information:

Bernedine Bos

Director of Business Transformation