Drive Sustainability’s Learning Approach for Impact on the Ground



Capacity Building is an essential to achieving impact. In 2018 and 2019 circa 1,500 supplier representatives joined the Drive Sustainability supplier trainings in nine different countries – Brazil, Hungary, Spain, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand and China.

Statistics from training participant consultations are showing that sustainability concerns between countries may vary, but that challenges are often connected to weak company policies or missing CSR management systems.

Drive Sustainability tackled the challenge with a Face-2-Face training approach, prioritizing solution-oriented learning. Following an introduction to the local sustainability context, suppliers worked in a workshop-style setting to analyse shared challenges, root causes and ultimately developed improvement plans under expert guidance.

These type of training enabled the participants to address their local sustainability challenges in an interactive manner, making “exchange” a key element of the training: during the collaborative exercises participants get the opportunity to exchange experiences, ideas and best practices with their peers and find solutions under the guidance of the local trainers.    

Towards an integrated training offer

Pre-training preparation, follow-up support and monitoring over time are essential to increase impact and understand change precursors.

To complement the existing supplier training offer and further increase its reach, Drive Sustainability is planning the launch of an eLearning offer at the end of 2020.

Training countries in 2021

Meanwhile, Drive Sustainability continues with the organisation of Face-2-Face suppliers’ training in Argentina, France, India and Russia, arranging for the first time “specialized training” that focus on specific sustainability challenges.

For more information:

Drive Sustainability Capacity Building Activities