What is the EU Agenda on Future of Work?

With the new European Commission having taken the office for the next five years, here is a breakdown of the most important topics on President von der Leyen’s agenda regarding Future of Work. CSR Europe members are invited to join the next webinar on Workforce Transformation, on 12 March 2020.


In the light of digitalisation and automation, jobs and occupations we know today are being revised and important organisational changes in companies are impacting the way we deliver work. For this reason, as part of the European Green Deal, President Von der Leyen and her team of Commissioners envisage a few initiatives  to respond to these challenges, including:

From a Just Transition Mechanism, including a Just Transition Fund, to the Digital Education Plan, the European Commission aims to promote re-skilling in companies and focus on youth education.

Companies will have to adopt and re-enforce new measures to meet the requirements of two key directives affecting the labour law and social policy of the member states: The Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions in the European Union and on Work Life Balance.

In order to build an economy with and for people, CSR Europe will facilitate companies’ exchange of Communities of Practices on Future of Work-related topics, such as business transformation, labour market transitions and lifelong learning methods. CSR Europe members are invited to join the next webinar on Workforce Transformation, on 12 March 2020.

Future of work will be at the core of the new pilot project Upskill 4 Future, where we will assess companies’ HR readiness to labour market changes and help them to increase their internal mobility.

For more information:

Andrea Bittnerova

Project Manager

CSR Europe Calendar of Events 2020