1. Climate Urgency: We are the last generation to experience a stable climate. The European Commission is developing its 2024-2029 work programme based on a 3-degree warming scenario, not the previously considered 1.5 or 2.4 degrees.

  2. The European Sustainability Strategy Act 2: The European sustainability strategy is about a Green, AND Industrial, AND Social Deal to enhance economic competitiveness, environmental protection, and social equity simultaneously. For the past five years, the European Union has actively accelerated sustainability efforts within companies, communities, and suppliers. Now, the focus must shift to innovation, implementation, regulatory stability, refinement, and collaboration.

  3. A Decade of Change: This decade is focused on decarbonisation, with the next decade set to prioritize dematerialisation.

  4. The European CSO Network: Launched during this Summit, this network will serve as an incubator for collaboration and a platform for dialogue with the incoming European Commission. DG FISMA, DG GROW, DG EMPLOYMENT, and DG CONNECT have expressed willingness to establish closer communication and relationships with CSOs.

  5. The Business Manifestos for Action: The 5 recommendations included in the CSR Europe Business Manifesto 2024-2029 set the direction for a Sustainable Europe 2030. To complement the proposals, there is the Manifesto for Responsible and Sustainable AI, initiated by the Spanish sustainability network Forética and presented at this Summit.

  6. Optimizing Collective Intelligence: We must harness and further unleash the hidden treasures and best practices within our member companies, National Partner Organisations, and the CSR Europe Secretariat.

  7. Urgent Call to Action: If not now, then when? If not us, then who?