About the Barometer 2022
The European Sustainable Industry Barometer has been developed by CSR Europe in collaboration with Moody's ESG Solutions, in the framework of the European Pact for Sustainable Industry.
The Barometer contextualises the United Nations and the European Union's annual reports on SDG progress.
Current Situation
Key Drivers of Social Risk
The impacts of conflict, climate and covid-recovery are combining with longer term macro-trends.
Social Risk
Management is Improving Incrementally
Europe outpaces other regions. Inbound regulation will provide headwinds for further and faster improvement.
Key Takeaways
#1 Social Risk
Exposure is High in Europe
64% of all controversies captured in Europe are classified as social.
#2 Customers
and Communities are Heavily Impacted
Digitalization is reshaping the way in which social risk materializes.
#3 Europe Does not Appear
on Track for a Just Transition
Key European sectors appear insufficiently prepared to manage the social and societal impacts.
#4 Companies Must
Step up Action and Further Align Business
Models to the Sustainable Development Goals
Policy Recommendations from CSR Europe
Want to learn more?
Contact Jan Noterdaeme, CSR Europe.
Contact mesg@moodys.com, Moody’s ESG Solutions.