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ATELIER - Navigating Due Diligence Requirements on Grievance Mechanisms

Closed Event-Corporate Members Only

Draft Agenda

The recently adopted Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the imminent Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), increasingly focus on setting mandatory requirements for companies when it comes to human rights and environmental due diligence. As a result, establishing effective grievance mechanism systems will be key to ensure early risk identification, prevention, and remediation.

The MATERIALS Atelier Series “Fostering a Human-Rights Based Approach to Business, will provide CSR Europe corporate members with a deep dive into the concept of grievance mechanisms and remediation.

This session will look at the existing and upcoming legislation related to human rights due diligence addressing how businesses should establish their complaints procedures. The session will help companies understand current and new possible legal requirements they will have to face and what the responsibilities of each stakeholder should be.

Join thIS atelier to:

  • Discover the main challenges brought by the approaching legislation on due diligence and human rights and how to develop and implement a grievance mechanism.

  • Learn the importance of collaboration in handling grievances and potential or factual human rights adverse impacts.

  • Improve your internal decision-making processes by learning from peer experience and best practices.


  • CSR/Sustainability Managers

  • Reporting Officers

  • HR Managers

  • Supply Chain analysts/ specialists



Martina Ferrara Snider