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CSR Europe General Assembly 2022


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The General Assembly is the Statutory meeting set by the bylaws of CSR Europe for its network of members. At the event, we take stock of what the network has achieved and how it can increase impact through collaborative action.

The results of the Board elections will be proposed to the members for their approval and the current Board of Directors will outline its review of the past mandate and lessons for the future. The upcoming European SDG Summit will be explained further.

But most importantly, we will explore together on how we – as a unique network of National Partner Organisations and companies – can tackle the Just Transition challenge.

To conclude the GA, members are invited to attend to the final session of the special webinar “Sustainability for Ukraine, co-organised by CSR Europe with CSR Ukraine and Globescan on 21-22 June. The webinar is a follow-the-sun-around-the-world event: a 24-hour continuous webinar, with 24 different panels and topics exploring the future of sustainable development and the role of business, civil society, and governments in caring for people.

For more information:

Stefan Crets,

Executive Director