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EUROPEAN ROUNDTABLE: From Ambition to Action: Corporate Transition Plans and their Role in Financing a Greener Europe


Co-organized with: econsense


The transition to a climate-neutral and sustainable economy by 2050 presents significant opportunities for businesses and citizens across the EU. However, the decarbonisation of our economy requires large sums of capital, especially in high-emitting sectors Transition finance and transition plans play a crucial role in shaping our economy and funding this transition.

The European Commission defines transition plans as an aspect of the undertaking’s overall strategy that lays out the entity’s targets and actions for its transition towards a climate-neutral or sustainable economy, including actions, such as reducing its GHG emissions in line with the objective of limiting climate change to 1,5 °C. These plans have become an integral part of many European legislative files such as the CS3D and CSRD and are increasingly on the agendas of banks and investors. However, despite the accelerated need for transition plans, they often vary in quality and lack detail on short-term actions. With only 5% of European companies having credible climate transition plans in place (according to CDP), the roundtable will address the following questions:

  • What are key components of a successful climate transition plan?

  • Are climate transition plans a useful way to communicate transition finance needs?

  • In what ways do investors and banks engage with corporates on their transition plans?

  • Do current regulatory frameworks provide enough guidance and oversight to ensure consistency, credibility, and comparability of transition plans, or is there a need for stronger regulation?


  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key components of a successful climate transition plan and learn how these plans can effectively communicate transition finance needs.

  • Discover how investors and banks are engaging with corporates on their transition plans, and evaluate whether current regulatory frameworks are fit for purpose.