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EUROPEAN ROUNDTABLE - Innovation through Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Gender Equality to Accelerate Innovation.PNG

We are addressing the following SDGs:


The notions of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) have long existed in corporate rhetoric, but its significance within business strategy is becoming much clearer in the final decade towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Investment in the development of a diverse and inclusive business comes with many business opportunities and potential for growth and innovation. The wider the range of talent, the greater the breadth of knowledge, ideas, and life experiences that can move the company forward in new and creative ways. For example, according to the World Economic Forum well-managed diverse teams significantly outperform homogenous ones over time across profitability, innovation, decision-making, and employee engagement. Additionally, recent findings of the McKinsey Global Institute show that gender equality in the workplace could add US$ 28 trillion to the global economy by 2025.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion once more. Discrepancies between the opportunities enjoyed by different societal groups have been amplified. For example, the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021 shows that, due to the pandemic, new barriers have emerged to build inclusive economies & societies, while pre-existing gender gaps are magnifying gender asymmetry.

It’s not just about gender diversity. Age diversity and ethnic diversity also have to be taken into account. Now more than ever, we need to encourage multicultural and multiethnic cooperation, as well as generational alliances to achieve inclusive workplaces & societies in Europe and beyond.


  • Learn more about a holistic approach to DEI.

  • Explore how to deal with pre-existing structural & societal inequities.

  • Discuss how to invest in inclusion strategies and where to get started.

  • Discover concrete examples of how DEI strategies translate into practice.

  • Find out how diverse and inclusive companies can achieve innovation moving forward.



  • High-level business executives.

  • HR managers.

  • Representatives of the public sector, academia and NGOs.

  • Anyone interested in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.



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This event is part of the track “An Economy with and for People” of the European SDG Summit 2021.