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EVENT - International Forum on Sustainable Mineral Supply Chains


CSR Europe is supporting the China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) in the 2020 International Forum on Sustainable Mineral Supply Chains (SMISC Forum) and the Week of Sustainable Supply Chains, which will be held on 2-4 December 2020.

This is the first high-level event on mineral supply chain governance issues initiated by the Chinese industry. Focused on the "New Era Rule Reform and Governance Improvement", the conference will bring together opinion leaders and important stakeholders from the governments, standards organizations, international organizations, companies along the mineral supply chain, consulting and auditing agencies, and non-governmental organizations, attracting more than 30 domestic and foreign mainstream media to provide a full range of reporting services.

The Forum is committed to building a comprehensive platform of policy advocacy, cooperation and negotiation, mutual recognition of standards, capacity building, dissemination, brand promotion, outcome release and experience sharing for all global stakeholders along the mineral supply chain.

For more information:

Visit the official website

Contact: Zhou Yangfan

Telephone: +86-10-85692865
