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WEBINAR - Updates from the EFRAG Lab: Fostering Innovation in Corporate Reporting


In the Green Deal, the European Commission has committed to the review of the non-Financial Reporting Directive as part of the strategy to strengthen the foundations for sustainable investments.

In support of the review, the European Reporting Lab, hosted by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), has opened two new workstreams that look at:

  1. The linkages between non-financial risks and opportunities and business models;

  2. Non-financial reporting standards.

Are you interested in the latest developments?

Join this webinar to:

  • Learn more about the first-hand experience of our experts in the two project task forces of the European Lab;

  • Discuss challenges and best practices non-financial reporting;

  • Explore the results of the CSR Europe questionnaire on your reporting practices.

Who should join :

  • CSR/Sustainability managers

  • Non-Financial Reporting & Investor Relations managers

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