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WEBINAR - Making Human Rights Due Diligence Work


This Webinar is organised in collaboration with our National Partner Organisation econsense.

The regulatory landscape on human rights due diligence is constantly evolving. New legislation is introduced not only on national level (i.e. the French Duty of Vigilance Law), but also on European level.

Only recently, the EU Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, committed to a legislative initiative on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence for companies in early 2021.

So what are companies doing to prepare for these legislative changes? What processes and measures are they implementing and what obstacles do they meet?

This webinar will explore above questions by gathering European companies and policymakers to discuss the practicalities of corporate due diligence and examine how to make a new European legislative approach fit for purpose.

Join this Webinar to Discuss:

  • Share your company's experience regarding existing environmental and human rights due diligence legislation;

  • Engage in discussions between policy makers and European companies to transfer practical knowledge and experience into the making a new legislative approach fit for purpose.

Who Should join:

  • European companies

  • Representatives from German Ministries & German parliament

  • Members of the EU Institutions

  • EU-level Business Associations of member states

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