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NATIONAL SDG ROUNDTABLE - The Role of Sustainability Education and Certification

Sustainability at the University.PNG

We are addressing the following SDGs:


Responsible and sustainable businesses are the future. As many companies are working to achieve net-zero emissions and to meet the requirements of the Paris Agreement, jobs that help foster corporate sustainability are in demand.

Unfortunately, as it is an emerging profession, there is a significant skills gap. Investment in sustainability & CSR education and certification is vital.

This Roundtable is to provide a space for open dialogue. Leading companies and organizations will present pioneering training programs to bridge the skills gap in sustainability professions and showcase different CSR and sustainability certification schemes to improve trust with relevant stakeholders.

Key questions that will be addressed:

  • What are the skills that Sustainability and CSR professionals need?

  • What is the role of secondary and tertiary education in acquiring such skills?

  • What is it exactly that CSR certification schemes certify?

  • What are the benefits for businesses of hiring professionals skilled in CSR?

  • What can a CSR certification offer to a company?



  • Learn more about the skills gap in sustainability professions.

  • Discover sustainability & CSR education programs.

  • Explore sustainability & CSR certification schemes.

  • Engage in forward-looking dialogues with your peers.



  • Business leaders.

  • Public sector representatives.

  • Academics.

  • NGOs.

  • Anyone interested in sustainability education & certification.


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This event is part of the track “An Economy with and for People” of the European SDG Summit 2021.