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EUROPEAN SDG ROUNDTABLE - Sustainable Aluminum Sourcing in the Automotive Value Chain


We are addressing the following SDGs:


How to move from managing and remediating sourcing risks to impact-oriented action in the automotive value chain?

Raw materials are essential for the production cycle. An average vehicle contains around 30,000 individual components. They are sourced from thousands of small and large suppliers located all over the globe. Human rights violations and environmental issues can appear throughout the supply chain and beyond Tier 1, up to the level of the extraction of raw materials or recycler. This makes the automotive supply chain one of the most complex and interconnected in the world, but it also generates concerns on how to secure reliable access to critical raw materials. The recent shortages in the materials needed for the production of electric vehicles batteries highlighted once more the necessity to ensure a sustainable supply chain.  

The Drive Sustainability Raw Materials Outlook is a new platform dedicated to identifying the human rights and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risks and the impacts of materials used in the automotive value chain. The platform provides Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) with valuable insights for the improvement of their risk and impact management strategies and processes, but it acts as an enabler for multi-stakeholder collaborations.



  •  Explore how The Raw Materials Outlook can be used to nurture dialogue, collaboration and action in the creation of more sustainable supply chains.



  • Procurement managers and buyers.

  • Sustainability managers.

  • Mining companies.

  • Logistics companies.

  • Aluminium value chain stakeholders.

  • Civil Society Organisations.

  • International organisations.

  • Anyone interested in a sustainable automotive value chain.


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This event is part of the track “Sustainable Raw Materials & Value Chains” of the European SDG Summit 2021.