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WEBINAR - Co-Building an Inclusive Green Deal

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The European Union, even more under the present EU French Presidency, is setting clear and transformational direction with the ambition to change the way we live, move, learn, work, purchase, do business and invest. At the same time, more and more CEOs (e.g. at COP26, the European SDG Summit…) urge for a more inclusive European Green Deal. Business, policy, and civil society have a duty to engage in a continuous sustainability dialogue and collaboration with a vision to leave no vulnerable employees, customers, households, and communities behind. Fighting inequalities should be an equal ambition. There will be no climate neutrality without investing heavily in education, continuous upskilling, social inclusion, and care.

Two years after its launch, does the European Green Deal and its related policies and regulations on Just Transition, Circularity, Sustainable Corporate Governance and Due Diligence, Transparency and Sustainable Finance, mark a new era for business?

Is the EU provoking a new avalanche of regulations pushing for more business defence, compliance through ticking new boxes, and audits? Or to avoid this scenario, what is needed for this new generation of rules to empower business to accelerate their transformation, helping them in reaching their sustainability targets and rebuilding trust?

Join this webinar to:

  • Meet with EU officials explaining what their priorities on Sustainability will be in 2022.

  • Share among peers the challenges and opportunities when developing sustainable business solutions that are in line with the new EU expectations.

  • Receive CSR Europe’s planning of activities in 2022 that can contribute to your business intelligence on the EU.

Who should join:

  • CSR Europe Corporate Members (e.g. Government Affairs, CSO, CSR Directors)

  • CSR Europe National Partners Organisations

  • Industry Federations and Members of the European Pact for Sustainable Industry

For more information:

Giorgia Miccoli

Project Manager, EU Affairs

Earlier Event: 27 January
NPOs Network Cafè - January
Later Event: 15 February
WEBINAR - European TRWP Platform Meeting