CSR Europe

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6 CSR Europe Members Call on Global Leaders to Enable a Net-Zero World

Six CEOs of CSR Europe’s corporate members called on the G7 and other world leaders five months ahead of COP26 to deliver on their shared climate ambitions and enable a net-zero world:

  • Martin Brudermüller, Chief Executive Officer, BASF

  • Carlos Torres Vila, Chairman, BBVA

  • Francesco Starace, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Enel

  • Catherine MacGregor, Chief Executive Officer, Engie Group

  • Ignacio S. Galán, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Iberdrola

  • Ilham Kadri, Chief Executive Officer, Solvay

The Call was launched by the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders, a global community of Chief Executive Officers who continue to set the bar higher and catalyse action across all sectors and engage policymakers to help deliver the transition to a net-zero economy.

The Alliance is looking to governments to accelerate the transition before COP26 and beyond and calls on world leaders to:

  • Publish ambitious and 1.5C-aligned Nationally Determined Contributions that halve emissions by 2030.

  • Commit to net-zero by 2050, underpinned by robust policy roadmaps and interim targets.

  • Ensure that developed countries meet and exceed their $100B commitment to support developing countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and ensure the major development finance institutions also commit to science-based guidelines across their lending portfolios.

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