Iberdrola Joins The European Business Ambition Against Climate Change
11 CSR Europe’s Members in CDP’s A List for their Leadership in Environmental Transparency
CorporateGuest UserBNP Paribas, Bridgestone, Hitachi, Honda, Huawei, Iberdrola, Pirelli, TITAN, Coca-Cola, Epson, Komatsu
16 CSR Europe Members Recognized in S&P Sustainability Yearbook 2023
Guest UserHonda, BBVA, ENGIE, Enel, Hitachi, Iberdrola, Total, Itochu, Coca-Cola, BNP Paribas, Bridgestone, societe generale, UnipolSai, State Street, Komatsu
Iberdrola Receives AENOR’s Renewable Hydrogen Certificate
13 CSR Europe Members recognized in CDP’s 2022 A List
CorporateGuest UserEpson, BASF, Toyota, Enel, Huawei, Iberdrola, Johnson & Johnson, Moody's, TITAN, Coca-Cola, Hitachi, Komatsu
Six CSR Europe Members Included in the Financial Times-Statista List of Europe’s Climate Leaders 2022
3 CSR Europe Members Among the Top 200 Companies Investing in a Clean Energy Future
8 CSR Europe Members Made it to the Top of S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2022
17 CSR Europe Members Recognized by CDP as Leading the Way to a net-zero Nature-Positive and Equitable Future
CorporateGuest UserLeonardo, Pirelli, Coca-Cola, Itochu, Enel, Iberdrola, Moody's, Bridgestone, Epson, Hitachi, Toyota, BASF, ENGIE, Johnson & Johnson, Orange, TITAN, Total
6 CSR Europe Members Call on Global Leaders to Enable a Net-Zero World
How Can Companies Assess their Impact on Biodiversity?
A Common Framework to Integrate Biodiversity in Corporate Decision-Making
The Future of ESG Metrics Integration in Business’ Strategy and Decision-Making
7 CSR Europe Members’ Sustainability Efforts Awarded in S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2021
2 CSR Europe Members Included amongst Corporate Knights’ Top 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World
Iberdrola Reformulates its Governance and Sustainability System around ESG Criteria
What Comes Next for a Responsible and Transparent Corporate Tax Behaviour?
Five Leading Companies Taking Action on Biodiversity