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8 Industry-Led Publications to Enable a Social & Green Deal

  • The documents – released throughout the European SDG Summit 2022 - support companies in setting the strategic direction for the pursuit of an inclusive European Green Deal.

The climate crisis is bringing fundamental changes in the way we live, work, consume, and move. The European Green Deal offers a common framework for action towards a carbon-neutral, digital economy. However, the twin transition can only be successful if businesses, policymakers, and stakeholders at large empower the S of the ESG and guarantee social fairness.

For this reason, at the European SDG Summit 2022 CSR Europe will release 8 industry-led publications aimed at:

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Kick-Starting Your Just Transition Journey

The publications below offer the latest business intelligence, strategic direction, and practical tools to support companies to advance and lead on Just Transition. They are the result of our engagement with corporate members, National Partner Organisations, and Knowledge Partners and our dialogue with the European Commission to pull individual and collective efforts towards the implementation of a Green, Social Deal.


  1. The European Sustainable Industry Barometer - developed by CSR Europe and Moody’s ESG Solutions. The Barometer 2022 shows how European sectors are positioned in terms of contributing to and managing social risks.

    RELEASED AT: The European SDG Roundtable “State of the Union on Social Progress for an Inclusive Transition”, 10 October, 09:30-11:00 CEST.

  2. Business for Just Transition featuring the European Business Roadmap for Just Transition. The roadmap supports enterprises in the strategic direction, methodologies, and tools to embed Just Transition within their purpose, strategy, and operations. The document stems from the engagement of CSR Europe’s People Leaders Hub with the European Commission, and our shared ambition for collaboration.

    RELEASED AT: The high-level plenary “Business Leaders for an Inclusive Green Deal”, on 10 October, 11:30- 13:00 CEST.

  3. The Policy Manifesto “Financing an Inclusive Just Transition” showcases policy recommendations from business leaders to European policymakers.

    The Manifesto is written by the CSR Europe’s Markets Leaders Group on “Financing an Inclusive & Just Transition”, comprising Solvay, State Street, Unipol, BPer Banca, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Impronta Etica, and Econsense.

    RELEASED AT: The high-level plenary “Financing an Inclusive Green Transition”, 12 October, 11:30-13:00 CEST.


  4. The report “Upskilling and Reskilling in the Age of Just Transition” showcases best practices and recommendations from 30+ European companies for the successful implementation of upskilling and reskilling strategies with a focus on employees at risk. A specific section is dedicated to guiding SMEs in this journey.

    This publication stems from the European project Upskill 4 Future funded by the JP Morgan Foundation.

    RELEASED AT: The European SDG Roundtable “Upskilling to Unlock the Twin Transition”, 10 October, 14:00 -15:30 CEST.

  5. The report “Building inclusive workplaces: Practices for a People-Centred HR Approach” guides companies in the adoption of future-proof, innovative HR strategies. You will also learn about our HR Readiness Tool for Inclusive Transition and get recommendations to foster responsible leadership, workforce retention, and talent investment.

    RELEASED AT: The European SDG Roundtable “Fostering a People-Centred Approach to the Just Transition”, 11 October, 09:30-11:00 CEST.

  6. “The Climate Education Toolkit” for teachers and students aims at bringing the latest STEM skills needed by the industry into the classroom.

    The toolkit was developed by Together 4 STEM partners - Amgen, Huawei, Johnson&Johnson and Toyota – to facilitate the development of STEM talents who are equipped to tackle climate change successfully.

    RELEASED AT: The European SDG Roundtable “Equipping STEM Students & Professionals for Climate Action”, 12 October, 14:00-15:30 CEST.

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Sustainable & Circular Supply Chains

7. Composite Materials: A Hidden Opportunity for the Circular Economy. This Blueprint takes stock of the challenges, opportunities, and key learnings to increase the circularity of composite materials, used in the aerospace, automotive, wind energy, construction, and marine sectors.  The Blueprint is developed by CSR Europe’s “New Materials and Circular Economy Accelerator” Think Tank, run in collaboration with Leonardo.

RELEASED AT: The High-Level Plenary “The Challenge of Circularity in the Green Transition”, 11 October, 11:30- 13:00 CEST.

8. Strategic Guidance to Biodiversity Management. This publication presents 15 cases of biodiversity management by companies - ranging from materiality analysis and prioritization to policymaking and third-party validation. The publication is developed by CSR Europe’s collaborative platform Biodiversity & Industry.

RELEASED AT: The European SDG Roundtable “Corporate Biodiversity Management”, 11 October, 14:00-15:30 CEST.

For more information:

Daria Delnevo

Manager, Communications & Network

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