CSR Europe

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ArcelorMittal Uses 3D Printing to Produce Ventilators and Face Shields

In the fight against the coronavirus, the steel and mining giant ArcelorMittal has joined forces with leading researchers and medical professionals in Spain to produce ventilators and face shields in an effort to help containing the pandemic.

Greg Ludkovsky, CEO of Research & Development at ArcelorMittal, says: “Our success over the years has been built on the foundation provided by our engineering capabilities and R&D expertise, and more recently, exploring the potential of 3D printing for steel solutions. But in a time of a crisis, we all want to help so we look at our resources and consider what role we can play.

Like ArcelorMittal, many of our members continue to go beyond the ordinary to fight the spread of the infection and its deadly consequences.

But what comes next? Now, as the COVID-19 lockdown measures are slowly starting to ease, there is an urgency for togetherness: for enterprises, industry federations, policymakers, and civil society organisations to collaborate and build back better. How? By incubating collaborations on practical solutions under the umbrella of a European Pact for Sustainable Industry.