Assess the Level of Maturity and Integration of Your Sustainability Management

  • Companies can use the updated Maturity and Integration Assessment (MIA) tool to meet the growing expectations of stakeholders and investors towards Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) issues.

  • CSR Europe members can request MIA for free as part of their membership.


With the updated Maturity and Integration Assessment (MIA) tool organizations can assess and benchmark the level of maturity and integration of their sustainability management. As a result, you will be able to have a clear and comprehensive view of what you are doing right and what could be improved, facilitating internal communication on sustainability.

CSR Europe members can request to use this service for free as it is included amongst the membership benefits.


Maturity: The degree to which companies measure and manage what is material to their business.

Integration: The degree to which sustainability and material stakeholder expectations are embedded in strategic management and all divisions of the organisational structure.

The MIA combines a three steps assessment with a unique mix of qualitative and quantitative analysis, engaging the company on all the internal and external aspects of its sustainability strategy.


  • New digital interface – to quickly adapt to the current working standards and the need to complete the assessment by different groups within the company.   

  • Streamlined process – in only 8 weeks you will receive a detailed report of the assessment, outlining the level of maturity and integration of your company’s sustainability management.

  • Opportunity to engage different departments in the assessment and improve the robustness and accuracy of data collection.

  • A new engaging format to assess your company’s governance strategy and future scenario with a focus on stakeholder engagement.

  • An improved level of analysis that considers the latest regulatory and legislative development of the European Sustainability Agenda, including the discussions on climate and sustainable finance.

For more information:

Marco Matrisciano,

Project Manager