CEMEX: Conserving Biodiversity and Ecosystems


Since 2007, CEMEX, a global leader in the building materials industry, has worked closely with BirdLife International to help save rare and endangered species and restore their natural habitat.

“At CEMEX, we defend the intrinsic value of nature and recognise the importance of conserving biodiversity and ecosystems to foster sustainable development” . READ MORE

Preserving biodiversity is the basis for a sustainable future.

All businesses rely in one way or another on natural resources and we must take up responsibility to preserve these resources and ensure a balanced ecosystem.

For this reason, CSR Europe is kicking off the new Collaborative Platform Biodiversity and Industry on 22 September.

Together with companies we will tackle biodiversity pressure points across the value chain with a double approach aimed at:

  • minimising negative impacts on biodiversity

  • maximising new business opportunities with nature-based solutions.

For more information:

Emma Van Zundert,

Project Manager