CSR Europe Partner of Record-Breaking Climate Relay

  • CSR Europe is proud to announce its Supporting Partnership with the Running Out of Time Relay.

  • Runners will cross 18 countries to deliver a climate message from young people to world leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP27.

  • CSR Europe will join the event on the 11th of October, when the relay will be in Brussels.


CSR Europe is Supporting Partner of the Running Out of Time Relay. This is the longest non-stop relay ever attempted across 18 countries - from Glasgow (COP26) to Sharm-el-Sheik in Egypt (COP27) - to carry a powerful message for climate action from young people to world’s leaders at COP27.

Relay Director, runner and Guinness World Record holder Danny Bent says “We are proud to announce our partnership with CSR Europe and warmly welcome its members to join us. Running Out of Time symbolises the very essence of climate action - it’s an extraordinary, bold, ambitious plan that will only succeed because everyone has worked together.  I know we can do it.”

We invite our network to find their stage in the world and join us in this endeavor to send out a common sustainability message: everyone needs to collaborate with others to tackle climate change. Only together we can create a positive impact and ensure a Just Transition.

The inaugural stage will begin following an opening ceremony hosted by Glasgow City Council in the COP26 host city on September 30th – where the message will be sealed in the baton. Carried by runners, cyclists, and sailors, it will journey on a route through Scotland, Wales, England, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Egypt - arriving to Sharm el-Sheikh on November 6th, in time for COP27 which will take place from 6th-18th November 2022.

Runners - from kids to Presidents - have signed up to carry the baton in 5-10km stages of the route which crosses seas, mountain ranges, glaciers, deserts, villages, towns, and capital cities. It will visit hundreds of schools, at-risk locations, and climate change projects to inspire and champion local climate action. CSR Europe will participate in the event on 11 October, when the relay will be in Brussels.

As part of the relay, over 140,000 pupils from 57 countries have so far signed up for a Schools Action Day on 3rd November and up to a million are expected to take part.

People around the world who are unable to run a stage on the physical route won’t miss out. They’re invited to pass the baton during a Global Virtual Relay on November 5th, which is expected to attract tens of thousands of runners in the name of climate action.

Ways for your company to get involved:


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