CSR HELLAS: Executive Education Program for CSR and Sustainable Development

CSR-School 2021

From 15 June until 22 July 2021, CSR HELLAS is organising the third edition of the Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility (CSR) School, offering another unique opportunity to explore the major developments around the largest environmental, social and governance challenges affecting businesses nowadays.

The European Commission has recently adopted an ambitious and comprehensive package of measures to help improve the flow of money towards sustainable activities across the European Union. By enabling investors to re-orient investments towards more sustainable technologies and businesses, these measures will be instrumental in making Europe climate neutral by 2050.

In order to assist the achievement of these ambitious goals, the business sector ought to offer support both internally - i.e. to its employees- and externally - i.e. across the supply chain - providing additional skills needed for the transition to sustainability.  

CSR-School has been designed and implemented by CSR HELLAS, in partnership with corporate and academic institutions, to equip business professionals with knowledge, competencies, and all the necessary tools to introduce and manage sustainable business models guided by a new way of corporate thinking that focuses not only profits but also on purpose.

Legal Aspects of CSR, Servant Leadership, Future of Work and Sustainable Marketing are new add-ons to the educational program that is designed to be comprehensive. The 12 modules are divided into 4 main pillars (Environmental, People, Organisation, Relationships) as proposed by the European Sustainability Standard (ESS) focusing on the impact alignment of a company’s approach with the material issues identified at the global level and within sectoral standards.



Take advantage of the Early-Bird registration rate until 15 May.

Additionally, CSR HELLAS offers reduced registration fees to its members and to CSR Europe’s members

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