CSR Europe

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How to Build Human Skills and a People-Centred Leadership for the Future of Work

  • At the second session of the Atelier series “Developing a People-Centred Approach to the Workforce”, participants received personalised reports on their HR readiness to overcome automation and digitalisation in the post COVID-19 transition. The benchmarking tool to help you build future-proof and inclusive business models is also available for interested companies.

  • Corporate members are invited to register to the final session of the Atelier on 20 September.

From the Great Resignation to the acceleration of automation and digitalisation, companies’ HR departments are increasingly under pressure. However, developing people-centred HR strategies is not impossible.

At the second session of the Atelier series “Developing a People-Centred Approach to the Workforce”, which took place on 24 June, CSR Europe supported participating corporate members in taking the first step in this direction. At the event, we presented companies with tailor-made benchmarks on their current HR readiness level in 3 key areas: Responsible Leadership Culture, Workforce Retention, and Talent Investment.

Behind high employee turnovers lies not only the financial compensation offered. Job fulfilment, the possibility to be oneself, and being cared for one’s well-being are becoming increasingly relevant. In this context, companies acknowledged the need to:

  • Be proactive in training and development by opting for a lifelong learning strategy.

  • Invest in human skills when recruiting and training leaders to make them resilient in the face of permanently changing contexts.

  • Refine and implement well-being strategies that focus on mental and physical health.

The benchmark and the personalised recommendations CSR Europe featured in the final company reports stem from the unique methodology of our HR Readiness Tool for Inclusive Transition applied to the answers given by participants at the first session of the Atelier. Companies interested in this service can contact CSR Europe.


CSR Europe Corporate members are invited to register to the third and final session of the Atelier series, taking place on Tuesday, 20 September, at 10:30-12:00 CET. The event will focus on inclusive talent acquisition.   

Based on the outcomes of the Atelier series, CSR Europe is developing a Blueprint on Future of Work in collaboration with its Knowledge Partner, PwC Belgium.  The document will be presented and launched at the European SDG Summit 2022, at the roundtable “Fostering a People-Centred Approach to the Just Transition”, taking place on 11 October at 09:30 CET. Register now.

For more information:

Lisa Simons,

Project Manager   

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