CSR Europe

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Orange: The Ethical Implementation of Artificial Intelligence

The multinational telecommunications corporation signed the first International Charter for an Inclusive AI to ensure an inclusive and responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that respects human autonomy, privacy, and our environment.

The International Charter is an initiative of the gender equality organisation Arborus Fund to promote inclusivity and diversity of talent in the field of AI.

“AI at the service of people is a formidable tool for simplifying operations and reducing the digital divide. But we must remain vigilant so that it does not create new inequalities, particularly between men and women. This is what underpins Orange’s commitment to Arborus. We are proud to be the first signatory of the International Charter for inclusive AI and we hope that many other companies will join us in this venture.”, said Mari-Noëlle Jégo-Laveissière, Deputy Chief Executive of Orange in France and head of the Technology and Global Innovation Division.  READ MORE

CSR Europe is currently addressing the impact of digitalisation and AI on the workforce in the Community of Practice on “Future of Work”.

As Europe is transitioning to a low-carbon economy, jobs and employability; consumption and lifestyle; finance and investment will be affected.

For this reason, in 2020, CSR Europe has kicked off a new Community of Practice on Just Transition. Members will have the opportunity to proactively shape the transition, finding shared solutions to the social implication of the decarbonisation.



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