CSR Europe

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Register for CSR Europe's Sustainability Open Day 2023

  • On October 12th, CSR Europe is uniting +1000 global sustainability leaders to explore the evolving landscape of corporate sustainability in anticipation of the upcoming European elections.

  • Our lineup of experts will dive deep into critical challenges, including biodiversity reporting, STEM skills for climate action innovation, and cross-sector alliances for supply chain sustainability.

  • Registrations are open for members and non-members

In the face of the current geopolitical landscape characterized by uncertainty and insecurity, sustainability has emerged as a crucial pillar for the survival and thriving of businesses in Europe. Sustainability is no longer a mere buzzword but a strategic imperative that can no longer be ignored.

Although the mandate of the von der Leyen Commission is almost over, businesses and their stakeholders should continue and even redouble their efforts to achieve the climate neutrality and Just Transition targets set in the European Green Deal.

On 12th October, CSR Europe is bringing together its community of +1000 sustainability leaders from around the world for three virtual sessions aimed at providing concrete business solutions to key sustainability challenges:

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Measuring & Reporting Impact on Natural Capital

Assessing the business impact on natural capital is increasingly urgent, both to preserve biodiversity and to harness its potential for corporate reporting and investment purposes.

Currently, the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) encompass a dedicated reporting section on biodiversity and ecosystems, namely ESRS E4. This section should facilitate the preservation of approximately 80% of Europe's habitats currently categorized as in "poor condition."

Nonetheless, the implementation of ESRS E4 has seen a two-year phasing-in flexibility due to the ongoing challenge of establishing precise methodologies for quantifying corporate impacts on biodiversity. 


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Unlocking Impact with Supply Chain Due Diligence

Since 2011, the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the OECD Due Diligence Guidelines offered crucial frameworks for companies in the implementation of responsible business practices.

Fast forward to 2019, the von der Leyen Commission doubled down on the regulatory requirements with the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), driving up stakeholders’ expectations on the effective implementation of environmental and human rights due diligence throughout the value chain.

However, the true challenge lies in going beyond compliance to develop supply chains that have a positive impact on the environment and the communities around them.


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Together 4 STEM Virtual Innovation Camp

In the European Year of Skills 2023, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) claimed the spotlight due to their crucial role in crafting solutions to address the climate crisis.

At this Virtual Innovation Camp, CSR Europe brings together partners of the collaborative platform Together for STEM - Huawei, Toyota Motor Europe, and Unipol Group - with students from various European countries. Together, they will work on finding innovative solutions to tackle the industry's most pressing climate-related challenges.


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