State Street's ESG Report 2020

State Street ESG

The multiple crises of 2020 marked an inflection point in underscoring the connections between resilience and strong ESG characteristics for companies, economies, and societies.

These lessons prompted State Street to further elevate the importance of ESG as a value driver. From incorporating climate risk mitigation in their business practices and improving inclusion and diversity, to contributing to local communities through employee volunteer hours and helping launch Small Business Strong, State Street is working toward a more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive future.

State Street drives ESG actions on four levels:

  • In its asset servicing business, helping its clients to analyze and report on their ESG attributes.

  • In its asset management business, engaging with listed companies and their boards on ESG issues that drive long-term value.

  • Incorporating ESG value drivers into its business to strengthen long-term resilience and sustainability, whether that is in the area of climate risk mitigation or improved inclusion and diversity and better human capital management.

  • Leveraging its global platform and industry associations to scale its ESG impact, driving action on the sustainability and equity issues that are central to a more resilient future for all.

Read State Street ESG Report 2020

The disclosure of non-financial information can be daunting, but CSR Europe can support your company in mastering its sustainability reporting.

Our Sustainability Report Review service includes:

  • A detailed examination and evaluation of your company’s ESG Report against a set of principles that cover both format and content criteria based on the reporting frameworks of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).

  • An analysis of the best performing areas as well as the areas in reporting practices that can be improved and/or enhanced is provided.

  • Tailor-made recommendations and suggestions that you can use to improve the most challenging areas in the company’s reporting exercise.

  • Exemplary best practices from other organisations to give you a more practical understanding of how a specific topic can be disclosed.

This service is aligned with the upcoming EU policy developments in relation to non-financial disclosure.


For more information:

Spyros Perikleous

Project Manager, Sustainability Management