CSR Europe

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Sustainable Corporate Governance Initiative to be Published in February

  • The European Commission’s proposal for a directive on Sustainable Corporate Governance, originally set to come out in October 2021, is now expected for the 15th of February 2022.

The European Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Sustainable Corporate Governance is expected to be published on the 15th of February. The initiative aims to introduce a legislative framework on environmental and human rights due diligence for companies, enabling them to focus on long-term sustainable value creation rather than short-term benefits.

Key elements of the upcoming Sustainable Corporate Governance proposal include:

  • The introduction of mandatory due diligence requirements for companies and new corporate directors’ duties, to curb environmental and labour abuses in corporate supply chains and integrate sustainability criteria into business decision-making.

  • A cross-sectoral approach applied to all companies regardless of their size.

  • Focus on risk assessment of corporate value chains, requiring companies to identify, mitigate and remedy negative impact in their supply chain and take action where needed.


For more information:

Giorgia Miccoli,

EU Affairs Project Manager


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