The BNP Paribas Foundation Launches a New “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative”


Ocean acidification, coastal erosion, coastal artificialization, overfishing…Today, ocean and coastal ecosystems are seriously threatened and affected by human activities. Yet, the ocean plays a crucial role in climate regulation, and more than 3.8 billion people live within 150 km of the shore, all depending on these ecosystems for their livelihood and food security.

Based on this observation, the BNP Paribas Foundation has chosen to dedicate its 6th “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” to projects on ocean and coastal ecosystems. After the submission phase closes, the Foundation’s Scientific Committee will select between 7 and 15 projects that will receive a total support of 7 million euros over three years. Applications are open to European scientific research projects (basic and/or applied) focusing on climate and biodiversity related to ocean and coastal ecosystems.

A 6th edition labeled by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO

Given its focus on ocean and coastal ecosystems, this new edition has received the “Ocean Decade” label by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). The Ocean Decade, or United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), is coordinated by UNESCO-IOC and aims to accelerate the conservation and sustainable use of ocean and marine resources.

"In response to the ongoing environmental issues, we are convinced that philanthropy is a key lever for change. By supporting the work of scientists, this call for projects is an opportunity for us to act in favor of ocean and coastal areas preservation. We are delighted that the new edition of our “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” programme, which is at the heart of our commitment to scientific research, has been labeled by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO." Isabelle Giordano, Head of Group Philanthropy and General Delegate of the BNP Paribas Foundation

“We welcome this joint call for projects with the BNP Paribas Foundation, which perfectly illustrates the importance of multistakeholder collaboration for global ocean action. We are confident that the selected initiatives will contribute to the collective efforts of the ocean community and bring us one step closer to achieving the vision of the Ocean Decade by 2030: the science we need for the ocean we want.” Vidar Helgesen, Executive Secretary of UNESCO-IOC

In 2025, through its Climate & Biodiversity Initiative, the Foundation will have supported more than 35 international scientific research teams with a total budget of €24 million, making it the largest environmental philanthropy programme in France.


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