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The Shift: “Green Deal Shift on Our Plates” Initiative Launched

On 26th April, The Shift supported the launch of the initiative of the 10th “Green Deal Protein shift on our plate”, in Flemish Belgium.  

The initiative aims to achieve a better balance between animal and plant-based protein products to support the evolution towards a balanced, healthy, and environmentally sustainable food pattern.

Current numbers show that the ratio of animal vs. plant-based protein sources is 60/40. The goal is to achieve a balance in which 60% of our protein intake is covered by plant-based sources and 40% from animals.      

To put the protein shift into practice, the 64 partners of the Belgian Green Deal will not only work to increase the vegetable supply in supermarkets, catering or at events, but will also try to stimulate the curiosity and taste of Flemish people through tasting sessions and informative workshops.

Market and consumer behavioral research will form the basis for a better deployment of future actions, able to reach consumers, but also suppliers and producers. In this way, the Green Deal will have a catalyzing effect.

The Green Deal Protein Shift is a joint initiative launched by: Flemish Department of Environment, Flemish Agency for Care & Health, Flemish Department of Agriculture & Fisheries, University Louvain, Next Food Chain, The Shift, University Ghent and the Flemish Institute for Healthy Living.

For more information:

Visit the webpage of the Flemish governments