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TITAN Cement Sets ESG Targets for 2025 & Beyond

TITAN Cement Group, underscoring its enduring commitment to sustainability and value creation for all, released its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) targets for 2025 and beyond.

The targets include an updated, more ambitious, CO2 reduction goal for 2030, aligned with the vision of the European Green Deal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

TITAN has set 20 targets that focus on four pillars which are defined as material by its stakeholders, all underpinned by good governance, transparency, and business ethics:

  • De-carbonization and digitalization, aiming to transform the business, focusing on resilience and innovation, and build solutions to serve customers more efficiently as we move towards a carbon-neutral, digital world.

  • Growth-enabling work environment, aiming to cultivate an inclusive culture with equal opportunities for all to grow professionally within a safe and healthy work environment.

  • Positive local impact, aiming to enable business operations worldwide to contribute to the prosperity of local communities with respect to their social and environmental concerns.

  • Responsible sourcing, aiming to empower TITAN business ecosystems to incorporate sustainability considerations in their business decisions and daily behaviors while using natural resources responsibly.

If your company is also interested in identifying and assessing potential Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues that impact your business, request our Materiality Assessment Service. By identifying your personal ESG issues, you will be able to prioritize resources and focus time, money, and energy on what matters most to you.


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