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HIGH-LEVEL PLENARY - Creating a Future-Proof and Inclusive Work

Future of Work Beyond Skills.PNG

Co-Organized with: Enel


We are addressing the following SDGs:


The fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market has been dramatic. The phenomenon of the future of work has only been accelerated by this crisis. Businesses have had to rapidly undergo digital transformation, as well as to reinvent their business model and provide a rapid response to their employees and communities.

These sudden disruptions can represent opportunities for boosting the debate on the future of work and ensure human workforce is empowered. All businesses need to implement appropriate internal processes to care for their employees, especially the most vulnerable groups, and to ensure inclusion and human capital development. We must all collectively make sure that no one is left behind. 

A group of companies and stakeholders, led by CSR Europe - the European leading network for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, and with the support of Enel, have therefore committed to work together, to take stock of challenges, opportunities, and key learnings of the COVID pandemic and define which are the practical needs for corporations to remain successful and meaningful towards employees, communities and other stakeholders.

Ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), the Summit is the last milestone for business leaders, policymakers, and champions of civil society to unite their forces to make the European Green Deal, its climate strategy and Pact a cornerstone of the global effort against climate change and social exclusion.

During the plenary, the work of the Inclusion Think Tank will be disclosed, through the official presentation of its main outcome, the Companies and the Inclusive Society Blueprint. The Blueprint will focus on the new role of the human resources department as the pivotal element to integrate new approaches to the work activity (creativity, innovation, human capital development), and to ensure a renewed interest towards employees’ needs, well-being and inclusion.


  • Better understand the main trends on the future of work, spotlighting concepts as Diversity & Inclusion, Well-being and Human Capital Development.

  • Hear from experts what they do expect from companies on the matter of work.

  • Listen to leading companies about their initiatives, best practices, and main challenges, and their impact on corporate activities.


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This event is part of the track “An Economy with and for People” of the European SDG Summit 2021.