CSR Europe has been at the forefront of sustainability leadership for over three decades.
The network pioneered the creation of the first CSR Director roles within European businesses.
Fast forward two decades, these efforts laid the groundwork for the European Union to broaden its sustainability framework, mainstreaming sustainability practices previously driven by voluntary efforts.


Today, the challenges are vastly more complex and times more uncertain. In this evolving landscape, the role and responsibilities of sustainability leaders within companies have become even more crucial. They are essential to future-proofing their companies, ensuring they remain competitive in light of new expectations and requirements, while simultaneously contributing to a sustainable and inclusive Europe. Their strategic leadership and expertise are essential for the European Union to navigate complex issues and develop viable solutions, aligning with its ambition to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050.



Europe’s first Chief Sustainability Officers (CSO) Network aims to:

  • Serve as the only European forum for Chief Sustainability Officers to exchange ideas and experiences. As the role of the CSO continues to evolve, it is increasingly important for CSOs to leverage their strategic and central function in companies

  • Engage with the EU policymakers to harmonize and capitalize upon current business practices, thereby fostering the implementation of effective and lean sustainable and socially responsible policies, collaborative frameworks, and investment paradigms



  • Peer-to-peer CSO virtual meetings per year to facilitate practical exchanges

  • In-person annual meeting with EU policy leaders to pinpoint areas requiring closer collaboration and policy alignment

  • Thought Leadership Paper starting from 2025 onwards


Who can join the Network?

Chief Sustainability Officers members of CSR Europe


Contact us

Jan Noterdaeme, jn@csreurope.org


The European CSO Network © 2024 by CSR Europe - The European Business Network for Corporate Social Responsibility is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International