Fondazione Sodalitas Hosts the European Platform of Diversity Charters Meeting


The European Platform of Diversity Charters will meet for the first time in Italy in mid-November.

The EU Platform of Diversity Charters was created in 2010 under the initiative of the European Commission to offer a place for existing European Diversity Charters (currently 26) to share their experience and develop common tools in order to foster joint efforts on Diversity & Inclusion as a factor for growth and development in the workplace.

Fondazione Sodalitas will welcome the European Commission and the 25 other countries of the European Platform of Diversity Charters by organizing an opening event dedicated to enhancing and growing the decisive contribution of businesses in building a society free of prejudice and capable of inclusion.

The opening event will be held Monday, November 13, in Milan at the Assolombarda’s Auditorium. It will be an opportunity to network and learn more about D&I in the Italian context.

The speakers will be institutional representatives, such as the Director of Equal Opportunity Department of the Italian Government who will present the importance of promoting gender equality in the workplace and the gender certification launched by the Italian Government last year. Prominent figures from industry and academia will also participate as speakers.

During the event, Fondazione Sodalitas will present the Platform members a publication aimed at highlighting the commitment and best practices of Fondazione Sodalitas member companies in promoting Diversity & Inclusion.



Fondazione Sodalitas constitutes the Italian delegation of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters and promotes the Italian Charter for Equal Opportunities and Equality at Work in Italy.

The Italian Diversity Charter (Charter for Equal Opportunities and Equality at Work) was launched in 2009 by Fondazione Sodalitas with the support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Minister for Family and Equal Opportunities.

The Charter covers all fields of discrimination: gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and religion, with a particular focus on gender equality at work. The 10 concrete actions listed by the Charter relate to the priorities identified by the EU, with particular emphasis on creating and improving female employment policies. A Self-Assessment tool monitors the implementation of the 10 actions and the impact of the best practices adopted.

About 600 private enterprises (including around 400 SMEs) and 300 public authorities and NGO, employing more than 700 000 employees, had signed the Charter.


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