CSR Europe

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How Can You Accelerate SDG Action in Your Country?

Covid‑19 is having severe negative impacts on most Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Economies are in a deep and growing crisis. Inequalities within and among countries are rising, as the poorest suffer a disproportionate share of the infections and deaths, and struggle more to make ends meet. Poverty and hunger are soaring.

In this context, solidarity and partnerships are critical to make societies and economies more fair, sustainable, and resilient to shocks.  “Resilience is key right now for companies, and it can be achieved only through synergies involving all stakeholders at every level”, said Alexandros Kostopoulos, Business Development Manager of CSR Hellas and Member of the CSR Europe Boards of Directors.

To build back better and facilitate impactful partnerships on the SDGs, this year, CSR Europe is teaming up with its network of National Partner Organisation to deliver a truly European SDG Summit 2020, connecting global and local Change-Makers.

From 26-30 October, participants will be able to join 25 National SDG Roundtables gathering sustainability leaders across sectors and industries to scale-up collaboration on country-specific SDG challenges. “We need cooperation to gain knowledge and co-create new approaches for achievement of SDGs; to innovate our habits and behaviours; to trigger change in every sector of our life”, said Anita Hrast, General Manager of IRDO, the Slovenian CSR Network.

Luis Roberto, Vice President of the Portuguese CSR network GRACE remarked that “if Covid19 has taught us anything is that we are stronger and more effective when working together. The SDGs and the Environmental Social Governance criteria of investing have never been more fundamental to ensure a sustainable way of living and operating”. The same vision is shared by Verónica García Navarro, Project Manager of the Spanish CSR Network Forética, for whom “collaboration among different stakeholders can not only accelerate SDG action, but also lead us to greater impact”.

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