CSR Europe

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Looking Ahead to an Economy with and for People

In 2020 CSR Europe will keep on working with businesses for the co-creation of an economy with and for PEOPLE. Key topics will include: Future of Work; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM); Just Transition. Webinar, workshops and roundtables will be organised to support companies in building people-centred work environments that put employability at the forefront. Check our Calendar of Events 2020 to stay up to date.

From Future of Work and STEM to upskilling and Just Transition, 2020 will be a year rich of learning opportunities for businesses interested in building an economy with and for PEOPLE. On one hand, CSR Europe will bridge to dialogue between companies and key experts of the European Commission. On the other hand, we will facilitate the interactions amongst stakeholders and support them in the co-creation of an inclusive economic system and labour market that promote life-long employability. How? Interested companies are invited join our workshops and webinars to work together and share best practices on the future of workforce transformation. Furthermore, throughout the year, we will offer training for companies and solutions to the new career paths brought about the digitalisation of work.

Future of Work

Human Resources within companies will have to adapt to successfully serve the needs of the Industry 4.0. Therefore, there is a need to define new models of education, employment and retirement. What does it mean being responsible for the business leadership? What challenges do the HR management have to face? Do we already have best practices that can be shared and scaled? In 2020, CSR Europe will bring in experts from the European Commission to dialogue with Chief HR Officers from CSR Europe’s member companies to tackle the Future of Work in Europe in two HR Leaders Roundtables. The first Roundtable will take place on 12 November 2020. To stay up to date with our events, please check our Calendar of Events 2020.

With the support of the JPMorgan Chase &Co. Foundation, CSR Europe will also launch the new project “Upskill 4 Future” to investigate how companies can actively prepare their employees to future occupations. Together with our National Partner Organisations (NPOs), we will assess companies’ HR readiness and test pilot actions on continuous training, upskilling and job mobility of vulnerable employees at risk of job loss. The project is open to the participations of CSR Europe’s members.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

The shortage and lack of diversity of talents in the STEM fields need to be addressed if the European industry wants to remain competitive. While many professionals are already working to find solutions to complex societal challenges, such as those outlined by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), women and girls account for just 31.4% of the STEM students in Europe and for ICT studies it can be as low as 8%.

To address this issue, CSR Europe launched the Collaborative Platform “Together for STEM” with Johnson & Johnson, Amgen, IBM and Samsung. In 2020, the consortium will open to new companies interested in leveraging their efforts to have more impact in STEM business and education.

Just Transition

With the von der Leyen Commission set on making Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050, ensuring a just transition will be key to the Old Continent’s future growth.  How can companies contribute to an inclusive transition that will leave no one behind? In 2020, CSR Europe will present the Just Transition Roadmap to tackle the social challenges posed by the transition to carbon neutrality.


For more information:

Bernedine Bos

Director of Business Transformation