Toyota Industries Europe AB Joins CSR Europe to Foster Sustainable Value Chains

  • As the newest corporate member of CSR Europe, the Japanese manufacturing leader will focus on advancing a resilient, inclusive and environmentally responsible business model.


Toyota Industries Europe AB, part of Toyota Industries Corporation – global leader in material handling equipment and solutions – has joined the European Business Network for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility.

The Toyota Industries Europe AB group is the European parent company to a number of subsidiaries and associated companies distributing worldwide, including the two largest: Toyota Material Handling Europe and Vanderlande.  

Toyota Industries Europe AB and its subsidiaries are at different stages in their sustainability journeys, from entry level to more advanced. The objective will be to use the available tools to help progress the companies that have a significant amount of work ahead, while maintaining the sectoral leadership enjoyed by Toyota Material Handling Europe and Vanderlande.

Through CSR Europe, Toyota Industries Corporation plans to engage in the following topics:

  • CSRD

  • responsible practices

  • taxonomy

  • double materiality

  • and supply chain sustainability

Tom Schalenbourg, Director Sustainable Development at Toyota Material Handling Europe, comments:
“Toyota Industries Corporation was one of the first companies to sign the Kyoto Protocol in the early Nineties and launched its first environmental report a few years later. For over 30 years, its aim has been to go beyond strict legal compliance, and instead focus on how best to create a positive impact on the planet and society.

“In that same spirit, we were first in our industry to: publish a European sustainability report; achieve EcoVadis Platinum; set targets to be a net-zero business by 2041 – ten years before it becomes required by the EU climate law; and sign up to the Science Based Targets Initiative.

“No company can be a sustainability leader by itself, and effective partnerships can drive momentum. In CSR Europe, we recognise a strong partnership network, with like-minded corporate partners who want to mainstream robust sustainability governance throughout their value chain. This is why we decided to join.”

Fieke Fleskens, Acting Sustainability Director at Vanderlande, says:

“We can learn so much by working with other members of CSR Europe. Sharing external market practices is key to meeting common challenges, and will help us to make the most of opportunities and priorities in our respective value chains, as well as improve our understanding of the evolving regulatory landscape.”

CSR Europe will be a sounding board for Toyota Industries Europe AB regarding ESG strategy, helping the company to thoroughly facilitate its implementation and get to grips with reporting obligations. In addition, CSR Europe’s activities, expertise and member network will reinvigorate the company’s sustainability progress, and assist in constructing more resilient, inclusive and environmentally responsible businesses.


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